An Overview of Commingling: What You Need To Know

An Overview of Commingling: What You Need To Know

It is important to understand exactly where your money is coming from and what you are doing with it. This is particularly important if you run a business, as you need to separate funds that are used for business purposes versus funds that are used for personal purposes. What happens if you are a real estate investor? There are a few important points that you need to keep in mind regarding commingling. A Definition Of Commingling When someone is talking about commingling, they usually refer to the practice of mixing the funds you use for your real estate investments with the…
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Finding The Right Contractor to Renovate an Investment Property

Finding The Right Contractor to Renovate an Investment Property

If you own an investment property, you need to protect your value. That means you might want to hire some contractors to renovate the property and make it more appealing to a potential renter. How can you find the right contractors to help you? There are a few important points to keep in mind. Ask For Referrals You may want to start by asking for referrals. For example, you might want to talk to your real estate agent to see if he or she has any ideas about people you can reach out to. You may also want to talk…
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Should You Sell Or Rent Your Primary Residence?

Should You Sell Or Rent Your Primary Residence?

Are you interested in purchasing a rental property? Instead of buying a new one, you might want to convert your primary residence into a rental property, particularly if you plan on moving in the near future. At the same time, you might think it is better to sell the property and take the cash instead. Which option is best for you? Potential Issues Converting Your Primary Residence To A Rental Property If you want to convert your primary residence into a rental property, there are a few important issues to keep in mind. First, you must make sure you have…
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What To Know About Rental Property Marketing On Social Media

What To Know About Rental Property Marketing On Social Media

Do you have a property that you are ready to rent? If so, it is time to find someone who can rent it from you. You need to use social media to market rental properties as there are millions of people who use social media daily. This is a quick way to get your property in front of as many people as possible. What do you need to know about marketing your property on social media? Target The Right Market First, you must make sure you target the right market. Some of the most popular social media platforms include Facebook,…
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When Should You Sell An Investment Property?

When Should You Sell An Investment Property?

Investing in real estate is a great way to build wealth, but you will not realize that wealth until you decide to sell the investment property. You probably like that your investment property is providing you with passive income, but eventually, you may need to tap into the capital for other reasons. When is the right time for you to sell an investment property? You Don’t Want To Be A Landlord One of the first signs that it might be time for you to sell your investment property is that you no longer want to be a landlord. Even though…
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Investing In Real Estate Before Turning 21: What To Know

Investing In Real Estate Before Turning 21: What To Know

Everyone wants to build wealth and save for retirement. One of the best ways to do so is to invest in real estate. Furthermore, you need to think about the time value of money. What this means is that the sooner you start investing, the more opportunities your money has to compound. That means that you can build wealth faster if you start investing at a younger age. Even though a lot of people want to invest in real estate, many people believe that they need to wait until they are older before they can do so. How can you…
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Why You May Want To Get A Real Estate License As An Investor

Why You May Want To Get A Real Estate License As An Investor

If you are purchasing property for investment purposes, you do not necessarily need to get a real estate license; however, it may be beneficial for you to do so. If you plan on spending a lot of time as a real estate investor, you should try to learn everything you can about the real estate industry. One of the best ways to do so is to earn your real estate license. Why should you consider doing so? You May Get More Money From The Sale If you have a real estate license, you may get more money from the sale.…
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