Hard Money Lending for Real Estate — Part 2

The Pros And Cons Of Hard Money Loans I maintain that hard money loans represent one of the single most advantageous funding opportunities for investors to take advantage of. Few sources of capital, if any, can compete on the same level as hard money and offer the same competitive edge. It is hard money loans, after all, that many investors have to thank for acquiring their deals in the first place. That said, hard money is not without its own caveats. Despite its superior benefits, there are downsides to hard money that warrant the consideration of every investor. Let’s take…
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Hard Money Lending for Real Estate

Understanding the basics of hard money lending represents the first step of breaking down real estate financing. Hard money loans are, after all, a real estate investor’s best friend; they are the quickest path to securing a deal. Nonetheless, hard money lending can get complicated quickly, so you need to realize what you are getting into before making any decisions for yourself. First: What Exactly is Hard Money Lending? Many investors looking for alternative financing that doesn’t involve their local bank may have heard the term “hard money.” They may have even asked themselves a simple follow-up question: what IS…
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