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How to Create Predictable Cash Flow

How to Create Predictable Cash Flow

Companies need to make financial statements of their businesses to track their spendings. These financial statements mostly include the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow.

Doing this helps the company to come up with plans on how to deal with their future spendings. But most of them are having a hard time predicting the cash flow of their business.

Uncertainty about your cash flow makes it difficult for you to invest in long-term demands because you find it difficult to maintain balance, and it also comes with burdens.

Here are some useful strategies to help you make your cash flow statement more stable and predictable:

Create a 3-Month Cash Flow Projection

Most businesses find it hard to project your cash flow for the whole year, but most of them have a solid forecast on their income and expenses per quarter. 

Start to create your cash flow by including only the first quarter of your operation on your Profit and Loss statement. 

With these, you can predict your cash flow for every quarter of the year. This strategy will make it easier for your cash flow to be projected than doing it annually, especially if you own a small business for now.

Refine Your Projection Model With Time

You can handle your cash flow much easier if you can forecast income and expenses accurately. As you make your financial statements, work harder to learn how to create projections from your current operating income and expenses. 

When you master making your financial statements accurately, as early as possible, it can help you make your future cash flow projections more stable.

Pay Attention to the Patterns

Once you already know how to forecast your business’ income and expenses, you can identify and deal with patterns that you see along the way. 

Your business can face seasonal issues, and if you know when these issues will occur, you can forecast your cash flow for that specific season accurately. If you know that your income during that season will be lower than other seasons, you will not spend too much. 

If you are aware of when downtime will occur, you can come up with strategies to stabilize your income even before it happens. 

This strategy can be the same when you are going to face high-demand seasons. You can compute your expenses and your income on time, and you can be prepared when these seasons come.


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