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The Biggest Mistakes Airbnb Hosts Make

The Biggest Mistakes Airbnb Hosts Make

If you want to use an investment property to make money, you might be thinking about renting your property out on Airbnb. This is a convenient service that can help you find renters to generate an income stream. At the same time, because a lot of people are familiar with Airbnb, it can also be a competitive place. What are a few common mistakes that you need to avoid as an Airbnb host?

Not Providing Any Amenities

Many people who rent their properties out on Airbnb try to avoid providing amenities. After all, they are worried that their guests will steal them. You may however want to provide some basic amenities. This includes bowls, plates, glasses, silverware, salt, pepper, shampoo, conditioner, and hand soap. If you want to make other items available, you might be able to stand out from the crowd.

Making Your Guests Clean

You do not want to make your Airbnb guests clean. They are there to go on vacation. They are not there to be your cleaning crew. Of course, your guests should not trash your property, but they should not be responsible for cleaning either. Particularly if you charge your guests a cleaning fee, you should not expect them to clean your property when they leave.

Communicating Outside Of Airbnb

Remember that Airbnb is taking a commission on your rent providing a service. One of those services is to mitigate any dispute that might arise. If the communication is not on the platform, Airbnb cannot go back and check it later. Therefore, if you communicate with your guests, make sure you only do so using the platform. This will be your defense if a dispute comes up. 

Be A Better Airbnb Host

Ultimately, there are a lot of mistakes that Airbnb hosts make. Even though you might be tempted to cut corners to save some extra money, you don’t want to run the risk of violating any Airbnb guidelines. Furthermore, you must treat your guests well. If you can accumulate a lot of positive reviews, you will have more people asking to rent your property. Then, you might be able to raise your rates. 

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